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Foaming Face Wash 50ml Manufacturer & Supplier - Manufacturers & Suppliers - Third Party Contract Manufacturing - PCD Pharma Franchise

Silkrich (Foaming Face Wash)

Foaming Face Wash 50ml Manufacturer & Supplier

Brand Name: Silkrich (Foaming Face Wash)

Composition : Foaming Face Wash 50ml Manufacturer & Supplier

Packing : 100ml With Carton

Price : Rs. 390

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Product Description

These days our life is surrounded by pollutant and this could be any pollutant water, air, and soil. This pollutant directly indirectly affects our skin because unlike of whole body, our face is not covered. There could be some other problems which are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and these bacteria can cause the problem of acne and pimples. To deal with such a problem we need a good foaming Face wash.

A good foaming Face wash is integrated with three main essential components which are mentioned below.

  • The first component has antibacterial properties.

  • The second component has surfactant properties.

  • The third component has antioxidant properties.

The antibacterial properties of this Foaming face wash help in dealing with microorganisms like bacteria and the surfactants are generally surface reacting agents that remove the pollutants from the skin surface and open the skin pores which helps the sweat to pass easily. Third component of this foaming face wash is its antioxidant properties which protect the face skin cell form the Free radicals cause by the UV radiation of the sun.

Mechanisms of Foaming Face Wash

Foaming fash wash is used on a daily basis because it helps in tackling everyday problems that your face skin is going to face. They have properties like antibacterial and antioxidant. This foaming face wash is integrated with surfacted which helps this foaming wash face to create foam. These are the mechanisms performed by this foaming face wash.

Antibacterial: Our face is exposed to the environment and in this environment, many microorganisms live one of these microorganisms is bacteria. This bacteria can cause bacterial infection which causes problems like acne and pimples. This antibacterial kills this bacteria by eliminating the cell wall membrane or inhibiting the protein synthesis in the bacteria.

Antioxidant: This property of this foaming face wash helps in eliminating free radicals from the skin. These free radicals are generally caused because of problems like UV radiation from the sun and this may affect the healthy skin’s cells.

Sufactant: For gaining the foam this foaming face wash is integrated with the surfactant which helps remove the dead cells and pollutants from the face. This foam is also very helpful in removing the accumulated oil from the skin.

Uses of Foaming Face Wash

Foaming face wash is used to tackle many problems that face’s skin faces daily basis. To deal with such a problem you can use foaming face wash. These are some of the uses of this foaming wash that you can gain by utilizing this foaming face wash.

  • This foaming face wash helps in removing oily skin.

  • This face wash protects skin from the bacteria.

  • This foaming face wash helps with acne and pimple problems.

  • This foaming face wash protects the skin from free radicals.

Side Effects of Foaming Face Wash

This face wash is manufactured based on chemical agents and these chemical agents can react with skin and may cause some side effects. These are the some side effects form which you suffer when you are using this foaming face wash.

  • Itching

  • Stinging

  • Peeling and redness of the skin


Instructions for using Foaming Face Wash

This is a chemical-based product and such products have a certain way of interacting with the skin to gain full effectiveness from any product use it in the best way possible. These are some instructions by following these you can gain full use of foaming face wash.

  • Wash your hands before applying this to your face.

  • Avoid its form getting into your eye.

  • After applying leave it for 20 -30 sec so that its properties can work properly on the face.

  • At last wash it with water.

  • Apply twice a day while going outside for work and when you return to your home.

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